The results show that the stress corrosion is the main failure causing of the bellows expansion joint, while the local pit corrosion, residual stress and the working stress is the necessary condition. 结果表明,应力腐蚀是该膨胀节失效的主要原因,而局部的点蚀和残余应力、工作应力是应力腐蚀的必要条件。
Some content of Mo, Cu on the spraying material has benefit effect on the pit corrosion resistance. 在喷焊材料中加入一定量的钼、铜元素,有利于提高材料的抗点蚀性。
There are the various damages on the gear surfaces of triplex pumps made in China, especially, there exist a lot of phenomena of the pit corrosion. 国产三缸泵的齿轮齿面损伤严重,尤其以点蚀现象居多。
The Cr content has greater effect on the pit corrosion resistance. 铬含量对材料的抗点蚀性影响较大;
The 10% FeCl 3 solution corrosion pit test demonstrates that the anticorrosive capacity increases significantly, while the corrosion ratio is 1/ 40 of the control. 10%FeCl3溶液点蚀实验测试结果表明,样品的耐腐蚀性能有明显提高,点蚀率仅为相同条件下不锈钢的140。
Study On Pit Corrosion Phenomenon of Flow Passage Blades In No 1 Turbine of Zhan Jiang Power Station 湛江电厂1~汽轮机通流叶片点蚀现象的研究
The pit corrosion initiation and growth mechanism of high-purity aluminum in the corrosive media was studied. 蚀核的萌生是高纯铝表面膜结构中活性点与侵蚀性离子的相互作用的结果。
Effect of steel pit on the mechanical property was discussed in succession. Numerical results show that exponential relation exists between the yield strength and depth of corrosion pit. 讨论了钢筋表面锈蚀坑对钢筋力学性能的影响,建立了钢筋屈服强度与蚀坑深度之间的关系;
Increase of Cl-in solution would reduce the quality of passivation film, so that pit corrosion took place on the surface of carbon steel more easily. 氯离子质量浓度的增加使碳钢表面钝化膜的致密程度下降,容易发生点蚀;
The test results show that the sulfate-reducing bacteria participate in electrochemical corrosion, accelerate the localized corrosion, destroy passivation and induce pit corrosion to the stainless steel. 实验结果表明,硫酸盐还原菌参与了不锈钢的电化学腐蚀,加速了腐蚀速度,破坏了不锈钢的钝化层,诱导了不锈钢点蚀的发生。
The dissolution of oxide film intensified pit corrosion of aluminum alloy, and made more Cu, Fe alloy elements precipitated on surface, which accelerated enlargement of pit. 氧化膜的溶解也使铝合金的点蚀增强,Cu,Fe等合金元素表面富集,加速了点蚀的扩展。
The effects of the pit aspect ratio, the crack aspect ratio and all fuzzy factors on corrosion fatigue life of aircraft structure are discussed. The results demonstrate that the approach can be applied to predict the corrosion fatigue life of aircraft structure. 讨论了蚀孔形状比和各模糊因素对结构寿命的影响规律,研究结果表明该模糊可靠性方法可以应用于飞机结构的腐蚀疲劳寿命评估。
The anode polarization curve of A0 pure aluminum in DI ( de-ions) water was measured to simulate the pit corrosion of reactor pool shell. 测量A0纯铝在去离子水中的极化曲线用来模拟反应堆池壳的点蚀。
Oxygen chloride reactor is the key equipment in chloroethylene plant, its corrosion type is local corrosion ( pit corrosion and stress corrosion). 氧氯化反应器是氯乙烯装置中的关键设备,其腐蚀形式为局部腐蚀&点蚀和应力腐蚀。
In the limiting current region, an inductance loop appears on the EIS because the breakdown of the oxides film leads to serious pit corrosion. 在极限电流区,腐蚀产物膜产生破损点,导致电极表面快速溶解,产生严重的点蚀,这就是在该区域极化电位下EIS出现感抗弧的原因。
From the viewpoint of the resistance to pit corrosion, the author presents some main opinions of improvement on design, manufacture and use concerned. 作者从抗点蚀角度出发,就设计、制造及使用方面重点地提出若干具体的改进意见。
The pit corrosion resistances of nickel-chromium series and manganese series low alloy structural hull steels were compared by simulating occluded corrosion cell tests and interval laboratory immersion corrosion tests. 通过模拟闭塞腐蚀电池试验及室内间浸挂片试验,对常用的Ni-Cr系和Mn系两类低合金船体结构钢的耐点蚀性能作了比较。
The pit corrosion 、 circumferential and axial crack models are simulated, and the defect character based on voltage plane polar plot and the changes of phase and amplitude are analyzed to supply the standard for defect reconfiguration. 对点状腐蚀、轴向与周向裂纹三种非轴对称缺陷进行三维有限元仿真,利用相位差和幅值变化曲线与电压平面极坐标图对缺陷特征进行分析,为缺陷形状重构提供了依据。
The field coupon tests indicated that the Jurassic oil well pipe in the oil field of PetroChina Changqing Oil Field Company suffered from severe internal corrosion, especially the pit corrosion. 通过现场腐蚀挂片试验,发现中国石油天然气股份有限公司长庆油田分公司某油田开采侏罗系油井管柱遭受严重的内腐蚀,以点蚀为主要破坏形式。
In combination with corrosion analysis, especially with the pit corrosion analysis, a model for calculating collecting line pit corrosion depth and a model for statistically predicting the leak off in the collecting line caused by pit corrosion are established on the basis of corrosion investigation. 以腐蚀分析特别是局部点蚀分析为基础,以腐蚀调查为依据,建立了集油管道点蚀深度的统计模型,以及集油管道点蚀泄漏的统计预测模型。
However, with temperature rise, the saturated brine corrodes the casing steel rapidly in pit corrosion shape mainly. 但随着温度的升高,它对套管钢的腐蚀性急剧增大,腐蚀形态以点蚀为主;在高温条件下,P-110套管钢的耐蚀性优于N-80套管钢。
The common method to enhance the pit corrosion resistance of Ni-P deposits was surface passivation in chromate solutions, but the Cr6+ was poisonous and had been limited to use in industry in many countries. 铬酸盐钝化处理是增强镍磷合金耐孔蚀性能较好的方法。然而,由于铬酸盐中的Cr6+有致癌作用,国际上已经明令限制使用。
The result shows that CO2 makes the rate of corrosion, the tendency of pit and crevice corrosion increase, while the increased margin is influenced by the metallurgical parameters, including chemical composition, microstructure and so on. 结果表明,CO2使钢的腐蚀速度、点蚀倾向和缝隙腐蚀倾向增加,而增加的幅度则受到钢的成分、显微组织等冶金因素的影响。
Corrosion of magnesium is initiated from free-film region where the pit corrosion is the main corrosion form. 镁合金腐蚀起源于无膜区,无膜区内发生的点蚀是镁合金的主要腐蚀形式。
Pit corrosion and formation of nanotubes in different areas of titanium surface formed in different time. the chlorine ions in aqueous solution anodizing. 同时发现,在含氯离子水溶液中阳极氧化时,表面上各个区域内的点蚀和纳米管并非同时发生。
The coating structure becomes loose after immersing. The etch pit of the surface of coating increases after corrosion. 浸泡后,涂层结构变得疏松,腐蚀后的涂层表面腐蚀坑增多。
In the experiment of intergranular corrosion resistance, the 316L stainless steel substrate shows seven kinds of pit structure-ⅱ intergranular corrosion, while almost no intergranular corrosion takes place on the titanium surface alloyed layer. 晶间腐蚀试验表明,316L不锈钢基体呈现七类凹坑组织Ⅱ晶间腐蚀;而渗钛合金层几乎没有发生晶间腐蚀,显著提高了316L不锈钢基体的耐晶间腐蚀性能。